Barby CE Primary School

We are very fortunate at Barby to have a wonderful friends team who support the school with fundraising and other events. We have lots of events and activities planned for the next academic year and would love to have more parents/carers/grandparents on the friends committee. If you like to be part of FOBS or just help out at certain events then please let Mrs Bedi know.

Some of the activities that we have done or are planning to do are:

  • Hot chocolates evenings after school
  • Mufti days
  • Christmas Cards
  • Movie Night
  • Rotary Santa
  • Biscuit Sale
  • Fayres
  • Mud Runs
  • Hoodies for our Year 6 children

We are hoping to run more events for our children, for their wellbeing being and happiness but also to raise money for the school.

Upcoming Events

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