Barby CE Primary School

Writing at Barby

At Barby, we believe that all children should become confident and competent writers; able to create compositions in a range of genres and for a range of audiences. We aim for our children to enjoy expressing their ideas accurately and creatively, drawing on a wide vocabulary and adapting their style to suit their purpose.

Writing is taught as part of our teaching sequence for English:

  • Teaching Sequence Part 1: Reading as a Reader
  • Teaching Sequence Part 2: Reading as a Writer
  • Teaching Sequence Part 3: Writing as a Writer

The National Curriculum Programme of Study for Writing has two main dimensions:

  • Transcription (spelling and handwriting);
  • Composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).

These dimensions are taught through our English Teaching Sequence in which:

  • Pupils are immersed in a range of high-quality texts;
  • Pupils are taught how writers structure compositions and use words and techniques for clarity and impact;
  • Pupils are exposed to ambitious vocabulary and expected to apply this in their writing;
  • Pupils learn how to use punctuation and grammatical structures for accuracy and effect;
  • Pupils learn how to plan compositions, incorporating the features of the focus style or genre;
  • Pupils develop and apply their knowledge of spelling and handwriting in their writing;
  • Pupils produce a final composition which they evaluate, edit and improve.

We create a literacy-rich environment for our children in which opportunities are provided for children to take part in shared and independent writing. High standards of writing are expected across the curriculum and pupils enjoy applying their writing skills to a range of subjects and purposes.

 At Barby C of E Primary School, we use the National Curriculum in England 2014 Framework for English as the basis for our curriculum planning.

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