Barby CE Primary School

The pupil premium is an allocation of additional government funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to underachievement.

A sum of £1,345 per eligible pupil is received each year. To qualify for Pupil Premium funding, a child will have been entitled to receive free school meals at some point in the past six years.

 A sum of £2,345 funding is provided for pupils who have been:

  • identified in the January 2020 school census or the alternative provision census as having left local authority care as a result of:
    • adoption
    • a special guardianship order
    • a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)
  • in local authority care for 1 day or more
  • recorded as both eligible for Free School Meals in the last 6 years and as being looked after (or as having left local authority care)

How much Pupil Premium Funding does our school get?

In the year 2023-2024 we expect to receive £14,263 in Pupil Premium Funding.

The funding received by our School has been used in a variety of ways in order to improve attainment and progress and to help overcome barriers to learning.

We know that children learn best when they are happy, secure, confident, valued, and fully included in school life. Our use of pupil premium funding takes account of these wider considerations. We believe that raising standards is best achieved by ensuring that children have reasonable access to all that our school has to offer. 

This funding will be used:

  • To improve the learning experiences of all children in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths
  • To improve progress and achievement in Reading and Writing
  • To increase pupils’ emotional health and wellbeing leading to greater confidence and resilience as learners
  • To ensure that access to technology is not a barrier to any child’s learning.

For full details please see the Pupil Premium Strategy Information for 2023 – 24 at the bottom of the page.

We received £14,485 in Pupil Premium in the Year 2022-23.

Pupil Premium Strategy and Impact Statement:

Our Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed annually at the end of each academic year (July 2022). Please see the Review of expenditure section of the Pupil Premium Strategy report for the 2022/2023 Impact Statement.

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