Barby CE Primary School

We aim to provide high quality learning experiences for our pupils whether learning in school or remotely. By offering a balance of Live lessons, learning through Online platforms and Independent Learning activities as well as Wellbeing tasks and activities linked to our Values; we aim to ensure that we continue to educate the ‘whole child’ during times of school closure.

 We follow carefully considered guidance to ensure that we can offer a broad and balanced curriculum to our pupils even during times of closure.

We have high expectations of all members of our community during our remote and live learning sessions; we have developed a series of guides to reflect these expectations and to keep all members of our remote learning community safe.

Our Acceptable Use agreements ensure that pupils know how to learn online safely and respectfully, the National Online Safety Tips for Remote Learning document provides useful information for parents

See all of our Remote Learning Documents below.

Our Approach to Remote Learning at Barby

We use Class Dojo as our learning platform through which we timetable and share set work, give feedback and communicate with parents.


All live teaching will be done over Zoom. An invitation to access Zoom will be sent to your child and a timetable will outline when live lessons will be.



Children are able to access their Accelerated Reader accounts at home so they can continue to develop their skills in reading. 

White Rose Maths is the Maths scheme we use at Barby. Videos and tasks will be set in through Class Dojo to supplement the live teaching of Mathematics from our teachers.


Your child's class teacher might set work from Oak National Academy. The link below is an FAQs page for parents all about Oak National Academy.  


We use Purple Mash for our computing scheme of work. Purple Mash also offers lots of activities that children can access whilst learning from home. Teachers may set the children some ’To Do’ tasks through Purple Mash.


As a school, we use Times Tables Rockstars to help our children develop their fluency in times tables. This is a fantastic resource to use at home with your child to develop their recall of times tables facts.


We use Spelling Shed to provide spelling activities and tasks for the children to enjoy whilst practising their spelling skills.


Additional Online Resources

A wide range of additional online learning resources and links can be found here.

Remote Learning Documents


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