Barby CE Primary School

Our School is run in accordance with a large number of policies, both those that are agreed by our Governing Body locally and those that are provided to us by the Department for Education and the Diocese of Peterborough through the Academy Trust.

We have included links to a number of policies which we think will be of interest to you on this page; however, if you think there are others we should include, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Policies from the Academy Trust can be found via the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust website.

Title Description Download
pdf Acceptable Use Policy Download
pdf Accessibility Plan Barby 2023-2024 Download
pdf Antibullying 2022 Download
pdf Appendix British Values & Prevention of Radicalisation and Extremism Policy Jan24 Download
pdf Attendance Policy - Barby CE Primary School 2022 -2023 Download
pdf Barby CE Primary Admissions Policy 2022- 2023 Download
pdf Barby CE Primary Admissions Policy 2023-2024 Download
pdf Barby CE Primary Admissions Policy 2024-2025 Download
pdf Barby CE Primary Admissions Policy 2025-2026 Download
pdf Barby Supplemantry Funding Agreement Download
pdf Behaviour Policy Nov 2021 - Updated Download
pdf British Values and Prevention of Radicalisation and Extremism Policy 2024 Download
pdf CCTV Policy Download
pdf Charging and Remissions Policy 2021 Download
pdf Combined Data Protection and FOI Policy Download
pdf Combined Data Protection and FOI Policy (July 2021) Download
pdf Complaints Policy and Procedure Download
pdf Equality Information and Objectives Appendices Barby Download
pdf Health & Safety Policy Download
pdf PDET Collective Worship Policy 22-23 Download
pdf Prevent Strategy Download
pdf Religious Education Policy 2024 Download
pdf Safeguarding Policy Academy Specific Details September 2022 Download
pdf Safeguarding Policy Appendices - September 2022 Download
pdf Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy 2024 Download
pdf Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy Download
pdf Trust equality information and objectives Download
pdf Whistleblowing Policy Download

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