Barby CE Primary School

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Cara Bolton.

Inclusion and equality of opportunity are very important to the staff and governors of Barby C of E Primary School. We want every child to know success and to thrive in our school, whatever their individual need or challenge.

Staff are sensitive to the needs of every child and through working with the SENCO and external professionals aim to deliver the highest standard of education for all children regardless of their needs.

We believe in an inclusive approach to teaching and learning and that all children should be supported to reach their full potential. Quality first teaching is used to ensure pupils are accessing the full curriculum; lessons are differentiated and adapted to meet the needs of all children including those with SEND. Scaffolds and practical resources are provided to support children to work independently. Research evidence is used to plan effective interventions and staff receive training to ensure that the delivery of such interventions has the desired impact. Children with SEN are included in every aspect of school life and are encouraged to join clubs and participate in all activities.

Early identification of children’s needs is key to ensuring that provision for children with SEND is in place to meet their individual needs. Staff work closely together to plan an appropriate curriculum to meet their individual targets. We believe in early intervention and aim to address any emerging need as soon as possible. We encourage parental input when planning the provision for individual pupils. The progress of all children on the SEND register is reviewed regularly in collaboration with families and relevant professionals.

Please see our SEND Information Report and our SEND Policy at the bottom of this page.

If you have any concerns regarding the SEND policy or the provision made for your child please speak to us as soon as possible, in the first instance, to the class teacher.

If you feel your child's needs are still not being met you should make an appointment to see Mrs Bolton, our SENCO. If parents and carers feel their child's needs are still not being met they should make an appointment to see the Headteacher.

Where concerns remain unresolved, parents and carers may wish to engage with PDET’s Complaints policy procedures which can be found by using this link to the PDET Policies page.

Please note that any issue relating to statutory SEN assessments should be pursued with the relevant Local Authority and not via PDET’s Complaints policy.

Local Offer

Through Northamptonshire's Local Offer you can access lots of information about services for children and young people in Northamptonshire (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities. Please click here for more information Northamptonshire Local Offer

Information Advice Support Service - IASS

IASS is a free service in Northamptonshire that provides confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children with special educational needs and children and young people with SEND.

SENDIASS (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm) Telephone 01604 364772

IASS Website

Special Needs Index - SNIX

The Special Needs Index (SNIX) is an electronic database of information about young people aged 0 to 25 who have a learning or physical disability or sensory impairment and who live in Northamptonshire.

The database only includes information about disabled children that parents or carers supply to us voluntarily. We do not include children on the database without parental consent.

What is the purpose of SNIX?

The SNIX database helps us to plan services for children with special educational needs and disabilities. We compile a newsletter for all those registered with SNIX which provides information about special educational needs and disability services, resources, training, early years, groups, clubs and activities on a regular basis. 

Click here to read the Newsletters and find out more - SNIX


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